Kindergarten Graduation

The Class of 2019 celebrated their graduation from Kindergarten at Magic Kingdom Day Nursery on June 21st. The ceremony was a fitting celebration of all the students achieved with the guidance provided by their teacher Sr. Sara and aide Miss Natalia.

The celebration began with a welcoming address by Principal Sr. Joy and several students, followed by the National Anthem & the Pledge of Allegiance.

The afternoon’s events were inspired by the theme of “When I Grow Up.” The students shared their hopes and dreams for their future. They participated in lively performances of the songs, “It’s a Beautiful Day,” and “Teaching Peace.”

The students  also read the poem, “Graduates,” and participated in a Ring Ceremony, during which they were presented with 2019 rings by their teachers.

The children also performed the songs “ABC, 123” and “Ready To Go,” before returning to the stage in their caps and gowns for a formal graduation march, distribution of diplomas by the faculty, as well as presentation of sashes and medals to the students by parents.

A touching video presentation captured many important moments from the year, such as their field trip to an apple farm in the fall, their Halloween parade, their Christmas and Spring shows, and other daily activities in the classroom.

The ceremony concluded with the students singing, “I Am But A Small Voice,” and a farewell address by a few of the students.

The graduation was followed by a lovely reception for the families prepared by the faculty and staff in honor of the graduates.

Magic Kingdom Day Nursery congratulates its graduates and bids a bittersweet goodbye to them as they move onto the challenges ahead. We hope they always keep our school close to their hearts.